

Date & Location
01 Sept 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Aikilife Dojo, Level 1, 3 Dundas Ct, Phillip ACT 2606, Australia
About The Event
You are warmly invited to join us in Celebration!
*Celebrate the first day of Spring!
*Celebrate Father’s Day!
*Celebrate 10 years of Aikido Japanese!
*Celebrate 25 years of Aikido for Ann Sensei!
*Celebrate and share in an authentic Japanese Tea Ceremony!
Aikilife Dojo sincerely thanks the Chado Urasenke Tankokai Sydney Association Canberra Group for their wonderful gift of traditional Tea Ceremony!
The nominal fee $6 per person will cover costs.
Each guest will be served a bowl of tea and sweets.
You are encouraged to immerse yourself in this full cultural experience by dressing Japanese! For efficiency of time, on this occasion we will have traditional jackets (not full kimono) available for you (and your children) to wear over your regular clothes. Black goes with everything, so if you come in black pants and a black top, this will match any/all of the jackets. If you have your own Japanese outfit (kimono, yukata, jacket, any style of Japanese dress) you are most welcome to wear it!
Please arrive at 'Doors Open’ time for your session. The doors will be locked at ‘Doors Close’ time 15 minutes after Doors Open so that the Tea Ceremony can be conducted with appropriate silence, respect and focus. Between ‘Doors Open’ and ‘Doors Close’ time you will have time to dress Japanese, take your seats and settle in. Please understand that entry will not be permitted after Doors Close time. Tickets for late arrivals or no shows will not be refunded. Tickets numbers are limited (30 people per session) so please book early to avoid disappointment. Bookings CLOSE Friday 31st August 10:00pm.
All members of Aikilife Dojo and your families are most welcome.
Sincere appreciation to members of Chado Urasenke Tankokai Sydney Association Canberra Group for generously giving their Sunday to share Tea Ceremony with us. If you are interested in learning more or studying tea yourself, please contact Dirk Staunton dpstaunton@gmail.com, a parent member of our dojo community who has made this event happen! Thank you Dirk. :-) You will meet Dirk-san on Sunday.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Ann Sensei